- Diabetes Mine: Around the Blogosphere: February 2013 Edition (of Love)
CNN/HLN Honors MJ2 as Breakthrough Women - Segment to Air 10/13-10/16/11 - VIDEO INCLUDED
- Music News Nashville - MJ2 Named “Breakthrough Women” on CNN/HLN
CNN: Twins Care for Parents with Alzheimer’s - Larry King Special - Unthinkable: The Alzheimer’s Epidemic [also linked here]
- Nashville Music Guide - Producer’s Spotlight: Dennis Money Has Musical Vision for Row and Radio [article on blog]
- COUNTRY WEEKLY MAGAZINE - “Who To Watch in 2010”
- COUNTRY WEEKLY MAGAZINE - “Who To Watch in 2010” second clip
- COUNTRY WEEKLY MAGAZINE - “MJ2 Get a Little Help From Friends”
- iTunes - You Can’t Say Love Enough (JDRF Celebrity Version) - Single by MJ2 & Celebrity Friends
- America’s Promise Alliance Youth Action News - July/August 2008
- “Sisters 4 Life: The Incredible Journey of the Singer Twins”
- Boutique Angels “Tuning In To Some Fun”
- BLVDS Las Vegas Magazine - The Local Spotlight Community“Mollie and Jackie Singer - Sisters on a Mission” Click here to read the article!
- Heart of Gold Girls
- Heart of Gold - “Meet Jackie and Mollie Singer, our teen entrepreneur new partners”
- Justine Magazine - “Singing for a Cure”
- Jonas Brothers Promo, powered by Mudd!!
- Call Back Magazine - Callback Entertainment News - May 2008 Issue, Page 40
- “The Singing Singer Twins”
- My Mudd World -Mudd Girls Move The World
- - “Mudd at
- - “The Singer Twins- Making a Difference”
- Review Journal Newspaper - “Youth Spotlight”
- - Steve and Bridgids Music Sheet
- Twitter - “Jackie and Mollie, The Singer Twins sing the National Anthem at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway!!”
- -YouTube Video
- Sixuntilme - “Early Weekend”
- Lemonade Life - “Old Friends”
- Amy Mercer - “Platform”
- Flickr - “Kerri and Mollie - Day 66”
- - “TuDiabetes member featured in TEEN VOGUE!”
- USA Today - “Adults and teens honored for reaching out to others”
- PNN Online - “Most Caring People in America Named”
- PRNewswire - “The Caring Institute’s 20th Annual Gala to Be Held on November 16”
- Caring Institute, 2007 Young Adult National Award Winner
- Caring Institute, Most Caring People in America Named, (pdf)
- JDRF, Singer Twins win National Caring Award
- UNLV RebelYell, Twins named Most Caring Americans
- UNLV RebelYell, Students win Caring Award
- Review Journal, Las Vegans in the running for top award for volunteers
- Review Journal - “In other youth news, twins honored for their efforts to build awareness of diabetes”
- Las Vegas Review Journal, Las Vegans in the running for top award for volunteering
- UNLV, Highlights-Students
-, Congratulations to Mollie and Jackie Singer!!!
- Rosica PR Agency, Young Adults Announced for 2007 Caring Awards
- Nevada Legislature, Senate Daily Journal
- Prweb - “Young Adult Winners Announced for 2007 National Caring Awards”
- PRweb, Most Caring Americans Honored for Their Work in Washington, D.C.
-, Most Caring People In America Named
- PR Newswire, The Caring Institute’s 20th Annual Caring Awards Gala to Be Held on November 16
- The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Awards
- View News -Green Valley/Henderson - “Higher Learning”
- Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, Nevada’s Top Two Youth Volunteers
- Wavesense, Blog Directory
- USA Today, Adults and teens honored for caring about others
- ABCnews, Bush: Stem Cell Issue Goes Beyond Politics
- Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Public Opinion and Federal Policy
- VistaGen, Washington Post, Embryo Cells’ Promise Cited in NIH Study Call for More Research Toughens Bush Choice
- The Ledger, "New, Young Faces Enter Stem Cell Research Debate in House"
- The New York Times, Stem Cell Debate in House Has Two Faces, Both Young
- NIH, Transplantation Branch Welcomes Twins
- JDRF Testimony by Mollie Singer and Jackie Singer, July 17, 2001
- JDRF Kids Online, Meet the Reporters
- Sister, Sister
- New York Times: “Stem Cell Debate in House Has Two Faces, Both Young”
- CNN - “Stem Cell Research Supporters Speak on Capital Hill”
- The Nation: The Personal Sides of the Stem Cell Debate
- Diabetes Teen Talk, D-Teen, Mollie Singer
- NIDDK, Larry Checco- Patient Profile-Mollie Singer
- Scripps Whittier Institute, Twins Sisters Support Each Other