So a couple of weeks ago, I changed my basal rates on my insulin pump.
and increased them at different times and so now, when I wake up, my morning blood sugars are amazing, like in the 90’s!!!
This is cool! now i just have to work on the day time basal and how i can fix that
and remember to bolus for dinner! (i need to think about that more)
i have to get blood work again..and get my a1c tested!!
Tonight, my sister, mom, aunt, and uncle went to the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes Kick-Off Reception, and that was cool‚ to see sooo many people, and get a chance to talk to them.
I’m really excited about the Walk this year, it should be really successful!!!!!! I’ll post more about it when we know. All i know is that the walk is Saturday, October 20, 2007 at UNLV.