Post #2 for the Diabetes OC…Go check it out!
I am sure we’ve all had our fair share of insulin pump site sites gone bad. My most recent experience with this all too common diabetic scenario, unfortunately, occurred at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and I apparently had the wrong site. You see, my pump site located on my left hip, decided to come out during the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, Nevada in December. There I was, having a good old time at the rodeo as our singing group, Mollie and Jackie MJ2, was the backup for the National Anthem every night of the rodeo, except the closing night, because we were the act booked to sing the National Anthem for that particular night! Any way, I had something to eat and bolused, tested a short time later, because I felt low, and I also felt my pump site poking me in the back (not a good feeling!) I checked the site or used to be site, and to my horror discovered it was out!!! Yikes! I quickly sized up my options. I couldn’t leave incase they needed us to sing, so I decided that since most of my insulin was delivered that Diet Coke would be my only meal for the night or at least until I got home and could change the site. The worst part was not only having to test on the hour, but I couldn’t stay for the after rodeo show with Crystal Shawanda!!!!
I know this happens to every pump user, and I really would be interested in learning what other diabetics do in these situations. Needless to say, I’m hoping that one of the pump manufacturers will hear my plea and try and resolve this problem; There simply has to be a better way than carrying multiple injection sites, shots, and insulin bottles every time you leave the house. I should add that my situation is a little trickier in that I react to all the tapes and adhesive wipes…hmmmm…what do you think about Super Glue? Just Kidding. Okay, the truth this, my pump works great most of the time and I’m not really feeling very sorry for myself. However, I am concerned for all diabetics because all too often, diabetics don’t know when the site has come out and that has great potential to do harm. So, to end on a positive note, I have to say I love my Minimed Medtronic 722 and I am grateful that most of the time it works as well as it does. :)
Any thoughts would be helpful.