So last night, I took a picture for the TuDiabetes Word In Your Hand Project.
Since November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and November 14th is World Diabetes Day, I think this project is perfect for bringing more awareness to this disease.
So I posted my picture last night on tudiabetes and thought I would put it on my blog too, telling you how I would describe diabetes. And I’m smiling, because that is what I do, look for the positive in things. :-]
(I couldn’t just write one word‚ Also I picked my favorite 6!)
I have Hope there will be a cure.
Determination to keep going every day and staying healthy until there is a cure.
Always being aware of my blood sugar.
Inspired by those who came before me, and inspire those who follow.
Have the fortitude to do what I have to do to Control my diabetes, while I pray for the cure.
Tired. mentally, emotionally, and physically tired of this “thinking” disease. 24/7/365, year after year after year, thinking about finger pokes, blood sugar numbers, shots, and tired of thinking about diabetes.
Tired of having to wake up and having to test, tired of worrying about low blood sugar in the middle of a performance. Tired of having to stop exercising because my blood sugar is too low or too high. Tired of having to stop studying for a test because of low or too high blood sugar. Tired of being frustrated. Tired of worrying about complications.