I stayed home from class today. I was miserable last night with a huge pounding headache that wasn’t getting any better, and really high blood sugars. As a result, I drank a ton of water, and ended up sleeping through all my classes until I woke up at 1:45. It’s amazing that this morning, my mom was testing my blood sugar (apparently, i slept through the whole thing) and my numbers were under 120 all morning, until I tested and I was 90‚ when i had breakfast. during the middle of the day. haha. I always have to start my day off with breakfast, i just can‚’t get myself to eat lunch after I just woke up. hehe. Mom drove me out to what seemed the end of the world at a doctor’s office and my nose is really swollen inside which isn’t helping the headache. So i have a nasal spray to use, drinking lots of water, and chicken soup. We had to cancel recording the National Anthem this Friday, because I can’t sing right now, and that means we cant rehearse. :[ I was sad. Packing for D.C. this weekend too! This time a week from now, we’ll be at the airport!!!!
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