Good and Bad news here…On Sunday around 6:30, it was exactly 3 days of being on the sensor! It was beeping and telling me to change my sensor‚ but i tried to start a new one, as if i didn’t change it, and it said, “Bad Sensor‚” and “Cal Error” -many times. So i took the sensor out, (with a big sigh of relief) and washed the area, (which was red, becuase apparently, i am still sensitive to the IV3000 tapes.) it was worth a try, but the tape just wasn’t working for me, it was so itchy and irritated. So i put some cortaid on it and came back to the dinner table‚ with a look on a my face as though I was “stressed” and i was! I was unsure if taking the sensor was the right thing to do, and that i’d have to put another one in and wait 2 hours. But i tested again, and my blood sugar was really really high, like 318, and not going down. So i bolused again, and re-inserted my sensor‚ so i get everything ready, the tape was off, and it was in the inserter and everything‚..i get the courage to actually press the white button, and it goes in‚ i took the needle out, and it immediately started bleeding where the needle was and eek it was gross and really hurt. I took the sensor off, it was still bleeding, and i finally got it to stop after i put a cold cloth on it.
I tried it again at about 9:20‚ and the same thing happened, but worse. And the spot really hurt!!!!! So then, I was reading, and tested, and i was 55! Mom got me some juice and made me a piece of toast, and i sat there for a while, and i just felt so off, like going from a blood sugar in the 300s then to 55 was a drastic change, and it took a while to feel better. :[
So I talked to the person who trained me last night, and she said that bleeding is not normal, and if it happens, to put a cotton ball right over where the needle would be so it doesnt happen. I didn’t want to try that, so I am going to wait until this Thursday when she comes and i can show her what happened and maybe the technique is wrong. So i’m glad for Thursday. The sensor, while it worked, seemed great, it was sometimes not that accurate, (they say it can be 20% higher or lower).
Happy Diabetes Alert Day! hehe