This morning, when I tested as soon as I woke up, I noticed the strip bottle had a couple strips, so many that I could count them. (uh-ohhh) I figured it would be enough to last me until tomorrow, where I could go pick my test strips up in the morning, and be okay. But then I noticed that we were in the last box, and normally, when I open the last box, i know i have to order them‚ but I forgot!!
Luckily, the drug store doesn’t close until 7:00. After dinner, i noticed i really needed strips now, since there were only 3, and i knew that would definately not last until the morning. We were able to get there 1 minute before closing, and after running to the door, that they were locking from the inside, the lady asks me, “what do you need?” and I said, “test strips?” She was so nice, and let me in. We got the strips just in time!!! (yay!)
However, my diabetic dog, Bruno, also uses the same tester, and so we were both really low on strips, but since he had more than i did"
I had to borrow my dog’s testing strips.
I’m so glad we use the same testers! (Looking on the bright side, here.)