What a day of roller coaster blood sugars. It took me by surprise.
6:06am.Turned that annoying alarm clock off‚ the only one i wake up to. Reached for my tester on my night stand. Tried to open my eyes enough to see the strip as I pushed it into the front of the tester. I poked my finger. It hurt alot this time. 93. I thought to myself, wow, thats a nice number
6:25am:I washed my face, got dressed, and went to the kitchen and had my usual breakfast: ½ cup of Special K, 1% milk, and a piece of fruit, today it was a Peach. I bolused like i usually do, 7.5 units. (morning hormones also factored in)
7:27am:Sitting on the floor waiting for the door to be opened for our Yoga Class‚ Ifigured I would test before I exercise. 228.Its only been an hour, that’s pretty good.
8:20am:Yoga class was over, we packed our stuff and walked across campus in what usually would take us 20 minutes, 10 minutes, (its a record!)
8:27am: Finally made it to the music building, 2nd floor, around the corner, through the door, sat down! I tested of course, since we had a quiz today! 42! 42???!!! Are you kidding me? Did I just read that right? the shock just set in‚ ..oh my gosh!!! I told Jackie my number, she sat there in awe. I stood up, went to the front of the room, around the piano, and said to my Professor, “Professor? My blood sugar is 42, and I’m not able to take the test right now‚” She recognized it as a “hypo” number, (low is right, very very low)‚ and she asked me “what do you want to do?” I said, the usual low response, “I Don’t know.” and Jackie stepped in and told her that once my blood sugar comes up, we can figure out what to do and how I will be able to take the test. I sat there and waited, staring at the wall.
8:50am:I figured, 20 minutes, i should test now. I was only 85. I drank some more juice.
9:06am:Down to 80. oh wonderful. I’m dropping……
*9:35am: * 75. Aw come on now! after all this juice‚ ..ughhhh‚ By then, Jackie had finished her test, and I talked to the Professor about taking it some other time later today. We walked to the outside of the music building. and eventually to the Student Union to get a snack.
10:18am: 130. Finally! Over 100!! JOY!!! Jackie got me a latte, and we sat there for a while‚ waiting for me to feel like i was actually higher‚ that didn’t happen until later in the afternoon when i finally felt better.
*10:50am: *after the snack, my blood sugar was rising to blood sugar of 179.
11:22am:Walked to the library, found a computer on the 4th floor, and tested. My blood sugar was 166.
12:02pm:Walked across campus to a sandwich shop. I tested, just because. “I’’m 71 Jackie!!” She was surprised.
1:21pm:I tested again, never bolused for lunch, and my number was 216. I bolused 1.4 units.
Later that day, my numbers ranged from 201, 161, 230, 241, 142, and 185 just before going to sleep. I tested 18 times today. Diabetes was very annoying today, it was always in my thoughts, in everything I did, and I couldn’t even feel being