This morning i woke up with a high blood sugar of 209‚ and corrected.
I go out to the kitchen to eat breakfast with my sister and my mom, and I added the carbs, put the number into my pump, and added the usual 2 units for my morning bolus, so it was 6 units altogether
I keep wondering while watching that TV show, “why does my site hurt? Its not even that much insulin?”
After noticing i actually felt the insulin going in me, i went to check my site, the line, the insulin cartridge.
The stupid tape was sticking to the infusion site (the center plastic part of it!) and none of the tape was actually on my skin. so i tried to pull it back, but it was not going to stick, and i was really frustrated because I just changed my site yesturday afternoon!!!! And i didn’t want to change it again!!!
I changed the line, and primed the pump again, and noticed i need to order some supplies‚ I’m in the last box! eek!
I changed my site by my self! Woohoo!! I’ve finally to get the hang of it, with the angle and everything. (not the sensor though)
So now that i had a new site in, the insulin was going in nicely, and i tested and my numbers were pretty good!! Happiness. :]