I had my presentation in philosophy! My numbers were low before hand, but I still had to present. it went well, we talked and went through the slides a little too fast though. oops. there was nothing else to say, so we moved on.Then Tuesday, I had to go to school alone‚ and i really missed Jackie!! omg. and classes were boring.And Wednesday, jackie didnt go to school again, and i missed her even more!!! i had to talk to alot of people too. but it was good‚ Luckily, on Thursday, she came!!! yay!! and it was a great day! Classes were good‚ English is getting interesting. uhhhuhhh and Philosphy is just confusing. Music Appreciation is a fun class too, i like it alot. :]. We went to an early dinner with mom at like 3:30‚ and we went to Maccaroni Grill!! it was good. We came back to school around 4:30 and studieed for our test which was at 6:00. Then after the test, I studied with a friend, and that was a lot of fun!! :]] Friday was a busy day! We had a voice lesson at 1:00 and guitar at 3:30. Today is Saturday. I love John Mayer’s music. wow.
Philosophy Presentation
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