On Friday night, Mom, Dad, Jackie and I all went to Metro Pizza! We got there at about 6:45 and ordered a diet coke, and Jackie and I figured out which kind of pizza were were going to share. I tested and I was 293‚ to start with a high blood sugar, only to eat more bread, pizza crust, etc, wasn’t looking so good. So i figured I had a while until we ordered, and then waited for the food to come, right? 2 minutes go by.
Only 1.8 of the 5 units I wanted delivered.
All of a sudden, beep**Beep*beeeepNO DELIVERY.
This was so not cool. It was pushing 7:00 now and I was determined not to have to go home and change my site. I went to the restroom, disconnected my insulin pump from the insertion site. Checked the line for ANY airbubbles, (none in the line, surprisingly) And it seemed alright.
I bolused (or at least tried to bolus) 5 more units just to see how much would deliver. 0.8u here, 0.2u there, 1.3u another time. 0.6u again. Oh gosh, I could stand here all night disconnecting and connecting after 0.2 delivered, and tricking my pump. Jackie came in, and noticed this was obviously not working too well, since there were so many pump alarms going off. How annoying, I thought. Jackie and I came back to our table, and I told my Mom, and she understood and drove me home. I opened up a new bottle of insulin, changed the site (in record time) and we were on our way back to the restaurant.
Everything seemed okay now. I bolused the 1 unit to prime and get the insulin going. But‚ then I figured I should test after all that time that went by‚ i found my meter in my huge purse for school, and it read 379‚ Uhohh thats just great‚ I retested. I didn’t beleive the number. 402!!!!???!!!! Oh My Gosh. AHHHHH. I bolused 6 more units. And had one small piece of pizza and a piece of bread, and more Diet Coke. :] Ughh. My blood sugars didn’t come down until 10:45 that night, when I was finally 174. Nice.
Everything worked out in the end, and I’m glad I found out there was no delivery at that time instead of really late at night. ..looking on the bright side. :]