Oooh! I’m like a little kid when it comes to getting things in the mail at 10:30 in the morning.
Because those 3 huge boxes can’t just sit on the kitchen counter and not be opened‚ and plus, one of the boxes has to be refrigerated? (i still havent figured this one out yet.) Okay so guess what came?
The Minimed Continuous Glucose Monitor!!!!!
I’m afraid to open it, but i’ve started to read the instruction book and we have to call a trainer so i can learn how to use this the right way. I’m excited about this! Hopefully I’ll be able to get my blood sugars back in line..
I really want to test my a1c before‚ even though its really not going to be what i had hoped, but i’ve been sick. Why do i always test my a1c when i’m sick? its a thing i have for the a1c i guess. lol.
So theres this cure little charger, it looks a lot like on those “Page up‚” paper holders. (to me, at least).
Well I’m really excited and i’ll write about when i go on it next week.
So do you like the new blog? I think its more organized and everything.