Today is the last day of my 11th year of diabetes. This time 12 years ago, my sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle and grandparents were getting ready to see Wayne Newton’s show that night.
All I remember from that night was that Jackie and I wore little white dresses with pink flowers on them and our hair was curled. During the show, all I could think of was how thirsty I was, I kept drinking 7up and water and mom took me to the restroom at least a dozen times. So it was my last day of being a non-diabetic.
I guess we celebrated but never knew what was about to happen and how my whole family’s lives were going to change. So we took a picture at the show and now I have recreated it‚ I’ll post it a little later today!
12 years ago, I didn’t have diabetes. I don’t remember not having it, but I do remember Apple Jacks! Once again, I don’t remember much, but mom said that before I was diagnosed, we went to IHOP and she said that I was so hungry that I would finish my meal, then eat everyone elses. I was starving, and losing weight.
I remember that I was so thirsty, it would take me from the time I got a water bottle to the time we went through the door to the car to drink a bottle of water. I was diagnosed on September 8th, 1993. I was hospitalized for 10 days. My A1C was 19.3 and the doctors told us that my blood sugars wouldn’t be below 200/300 for months, they were wrong. It was a nightmare and I hated being the hospital.
Ever since then, I cannot eat orange chewable tablets of any kind. So today, I’m celebrating the last day of my 11th year of diabetes, I will post tomorrow just so you know.