Dear Blood Sugars,
You and me?
I thought we had a good pattern going on.
And then two mornings in a row,
you go ahead and mess up my morning.
I know I won’t always know what you’ll do…
but some warning would be nice.
Knowing and feeling my numbers are totally different.
Why can’t I feel lows anymore?
This morning I didn’t know I was 52 until I was 52.
I lost all strength.
I couldn’t even open up my juice bottle that was half open.
(thank you Jackie!)
I felt so sleepy, but had a busy busy day ahead.
Why these feelings? Why these lows?
Can’t I just have the blood sugars of my 3 year old self before I was diagnosed with diabetes?
Maybe not, probably not for a while.
But until then, please give me some signs of lows. and highs, if you don’t mind. :
Love, me.
curemoll © 2010