So today i put makeup on for the first time in 4 days. haha. Mom took me to the doctor‚ and he said i have swolen lymphnodes (what?) and advised me not to sing. Grr. And that my ears are filled with fluid, and i have a red throat..its not pretty. So i‚Äôm on medication and i have the hugest headache‚ and this time its not becuase of caffeine, because all i’ve had today is water. My blood sugars have been crazy today, never over 250 though. :]I went to school today around 1:30‚ and surprised Jackie..well she actually surpirsed me. I saw her in the hall, and then went the other way and called her, but she came up behind me and surprised me. i didnt scream. haha. So we talked in the library, and studied, and then went to music class, where i took my quiz‚ i dont want to know my grade! ahh. Then after class, i saw a good friend, and got 2 hugs! yay. It was nice. :-D Then we went home on the‚ .that was different, i didnt have to drive though, so i was happy about that! :] Yay for homework‚ ahhhhhhhh!!!Have a great night! :]
Cold and High Crazy Blood Sugars
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