Oh man, so I’ve had such a busy week, and its only Wednesday night!
Our informative speeches were today‚ Jackie spoke about the different types of Diabetes and I spoke about Generation Y! They went pretty well, I’m liking this class.
Tap Class was fun today, besides my blood sugar dropping over 100 points‚ in a half hour. Fun stuff!
Anyways, Thanks for reading!
And by the way, someone emailed me today, and to answer your question, no, Jackie doesn’t have Diabetes and is regularly tested for the anitbodies and has been coming up negative (Thank God!)
We’re going to our Yoga Class and Music Theory class in the morning, coming home and leaving for the Airport to fly to Philadelphia for our cousin’s Wedding!!!
I hope you all have a great weekend, I’ll post about it some time when i get home and have a couple minutes. I’m so excited!