Hey everyone! Happy New Year!! I’m really excited about this year!! really, really really excited! :) For some reason, I’m also really excited to write in my blog tonight. hmm…
I changed my pump site for the first time in 2011 today and actually had to change it twice. grr. Taking out the bad site hurt sooooo much, it’s a good thing though, the cannula and my skin was bleeding. ughh. So I put in a new site after dinner. That thrills me. I’ll be waking up to test all night. thank you horrible-not working-no delivery-site.
Any way, enough of my ranting. …Tonight was our “first family dinner of 2011” and we all ate homemade chili, homemade 3 layer bean dip, and homemade dobos torte cake. Wow. It was 13 layers. It’s a family recipe that my grandmother has made almost every birthday in April since I can remember. Since I couldn’t make it on New Year’s Eve for our Grandma and Grandpa’s 69th Wedding Anniversary because we went to a restaurant, I figured we could all celebrate again, right? So, last night after we saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1, (soooo good by the way!) 4 hours was spent making each layer and assembling this amazing cake that I baked. Tonight, since I’m working on a cook book, I needed a picture. Tah-dahhh!
Yes, I SO totally bolused enough insulin for a tiny sliver of that cake. :) yum. :)